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Summer School

caricato il  09.09.2022 in   Opportunità Di Studio

La Summer School "Diritti Fondamentali, poteri pubblici, fiscalità nelle politiche di coesione", II edizione (DFPP-II) è promossa dal Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università di Bari e si svolgerà in lingua inglese a Bari dal 17 al 22 ottobre 2022. Trattasi di una Summer School finanziata dall’ADISU- Regione Puglia in collaborazione con UPI Puglia e la Camera di Commercio Argentina (CaCia).


Ammissione:  per titoli (L-14, L-16, L-36, L-39, L-40, L-18, L-33, L-41; LM-38, LM-52, LM-63, LM-87, LM-56, LM-77, LM-83, LMG/01; studenti dei corsi di Giurisprudenza, Scienze Politiche ed Economia; V.O.).

Quota di iscrizione: La partecipazione alla Summer è a titolo gratuito. La Summer School è finanziata dalla Regione Puglia- Adisu Puglia, con la contribuzione di UPI Puglia e la Camera di Commercio Argentina (CaCia). Sono a carico di ciascun partecipante il contributo assicurativo di euro 4,13 e l’imposta di bollo pari ad euro 16,00 (non rimborsabili in caso di rinuncia alla frequenza o esclusione dal Corso).

Struttura proponente: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, in collaborazione con la Regione Puglia– Adisu Puglia, UPI Puglia e la Camera di Commercio Argentina (CaCia).

Periodo di svolgimento: 17-22 ottobre 2022

Frequenza obbligatoria: 70% 

Crediti formativi: 4 CFU

Lingua: Italiano/Spagnolo

Numero partecipanti: minimo 15- massimo 35

recupero credenziali di accesso alla Segreteria online Esse3


Summer School Diritti Fondamentali, poteri pubblici, fiscalità nelle politiche di coesione, II edizione (DFPP-II) a.a. 2021/2022


Application deadline: August 29th – Sept. 29th, 2022, 23:59 (Italian time)

Application call

The Summer School FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, PUBLIC POWERS, TAXATION IN COHESION POLICIES II - consists of an intensive course (40 hours in 6 days) open to the participation of students from Political Science, Law and Economics, as well as to current graduates, legal practitioners, lawyers, and local administrations officials.

The object of the course is the study of public powers organization and the protection of individual rights in the multilevel juridical system, focusing especially on the relationship between B78fundamental rights, public powers, taxation and cohesion policies. Current juridical concerns will be discussed, highlighting the challenges of the COVID pandemic, migration crises, democracy and the rule of law systematic violations, and last but not least the Russian /Ukrainian conflict. Many issues will be analyzed in depth in order to explain the several means provided for overcoming these challenges, such as the Next Generation EU programme and the Italian NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan); the mechanism for the protection of European Union Values and the financial conditionality; and the systems for protection of fundamental rights in the international, European and Italian legal orders. A comparison with the InterAmerican rights system will also be object of investigation, in particular from an Argentinian perspective. 

The Summer School offers an educational opportunity through six days of lectures, panels, seminars and workshops in Italian and Spanish. Our partners are UPI and the Italian-Argentine Chamber of Commerce (Ca.C.I.A),  both contributing to the realization and the promotion of the initiative with their network.

The main purpose of the Summer School is developing a high-profile education for the gaining of advanced competences regarding the relation between fundamental rights and public powers, underlining current challenges and aims of social, economic and territorial cohesion policies.

The competences acquired could be spent in professional activities in public administrations, businesses, international organizations, NGOs and NPOs.

The lessons will be held from Monday 17th October to Saturday 22nd October (6 mornings and 2 afternoons) in the rooms of the Department of Political Science  at Aldo Moro University of Bari (1, Cesare Battisti Square).

The didactic activities will be offered by professors of the University of Bari, as well as by professors from other Italian, Argentinian and Spanish Universities and experts.

The seminars and the workshops are scheduled with the purpose to stimulate teamwork, collaboration, expertise exchange, practical cases learning and database use. 

Fee: free of charge - Costs of the Summer School are covered by Adisu - Regione Puglia with the European  Commission and managed  by UPI Puglia and  Camera di Commercio Argentina (CaCia).

Venue: University of Bari Aldo Moro - Italy

Participants: max 35



Prof.ssa  Valeria Di Comite

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche - Via Suppa, 9 - Bari

O80.5717779 - e-mail: valeria.dicomite@uniba.it